The world's first motorized latch retraction cylindrical lock.
Introducing the groundbreaking LPC190-HD
The world's first motorized latch retraction cylindrical lock.

"Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try."
– Gail Devers, American Athlete
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See what makes the LPC190-HD so revolutionary
The revolutionary LPC190-HD
Features & Specifications:
Motorized latch retraction in a cylindrical lock format
Built on a BHMA Certified Grade 1 heavy duty cylindrical lock
Solid reliability even in the toughest environments
Designed and assembled in the USA
550 milli-amps for the in-rush and 15 milli-amps holding
Operate reliably from centralized power supply (up to 300 feet away)
Continuous duty operation a foundation capability
Built-in Request to Exit Switch (optional)
Operating voltage 24v +/- 10%
UL listed for 3 hrs, for single doors up to 4’0” x 8’0”
The first and only motorized latch retraction in a cylindrical lock
Introducing the first and only motorized latch retraction in a cylindrical lock—an innovation previously thought possible only in a mortise lock. This compact solution offers a viable alternative to mortise latch retraction, delivering the performance you love in a cylindrical form. Finally, there's a cylindrical option for all the die-hard fans of mortise latch retraction!
Perfect for high intensity everyday use
For doors that need to be set for push-pull in high traffic areas during business hours, the latch can be held constantly retracted.

Perfect for upcoming application requirements
As ADA and other legislative compliance requirements continue to grow, the demand for advanced access management solutions is rising. Avoid the costly replacement of doors while staying compliant and secure. Now any door in a building, interior or exterior, can be electrified without having to utilize an electric strike. The Universal Privacy Bathroom Package is perfect for single occupancy restrooms requiring ADA accessibility including privacy and/or security.
The only complete electrified door hardware product manufacturer
Command Access Technologies is now the only manufacturer offering a complete range of fully electrified door hardware solutions. From exit devices to mortise locks (both original and retro-fit), and the groundbreaking LPC190-HD cylindrical lock, we provide comprehensive electrified hardware for every door application.

Tech Talk
In this video, Brian Kenley, Senior Technical Engineer at Command Access, breaks down the components of the LPC190-HD and provides tips for installers.

Hurry! We've hidden five Golden Tickets in LPC190-HD packaging.
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Based upon the proven, high end CL190-HD cylindrical lock
Starts with the best cylindrical mechanical lock available. Add the electrification within the lock body. (URL)
Custom designed motor and onboard controller
Operates off just 550 milli-amps for the in-rush and 15 milli-amps holding. Can run multiple units up to 300 feet away, allowing for centralized power. Designed for continuous duty.
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We are now taking orders for the LPC190-HD. Get yours today!
Innovation journey of the LPC190-HD is what CAT does best
At Command Access, we don’t just solve problems—we anticipate them. With a reputation for reliability, we follow a rigorous process of design, build, test, and repeat to deliver groundbreaking solutions to our customers.